
Maybe if...

IF the zombies come they wont find us...Theirs no where in any book or website that says that it is impossible to hide from these things! Living, cannibals!

Why isn't anyone interested into thinking deep about something soooo possible, but so unreal.
I promise you that their isn't one person in this fucking town (to narrow it down from the galaxy) that hasn't thought "WHAT THE FUCK WOULD I DO IF ZOMBIES REALLY WE'RE TO START MULTIPLYING?"...or something along them lines.
I've broke it all down but still theirs always a air hole in that thought...someone tell me...where the fuck is there to go, without to many panicky, scared to death, untainted people...besides the governments own office, where the fuck are you supposed to turn...Well if everyone would kill them together, individually I'm sure US AS A PLANET OF 6.5 billion people could all get back our non-zombetic lives!
But then again if Native Americans cant do just that to the pilgrims then, maybe people everywhere wont fight back loved ones, so on and so forth AND WE'RE ALL DAMNED

...But not me I will shot YOU IN THE FACE, and not think twice because your nice gonna rip me apart.
:D Juss saying.

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